VIP Lecture Series
Regional anesthesia studio lecture videos produced exclusively for BLOCKJOCKS VIP subscribers.
Ultrasound Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Blocks
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Katharine Fleischmann MD, an anesthesiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, discusses the use of ultrasound for the placement of thoracic paravertebral blocks.
Ultrasound & Chronic Pain
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Rajnish Gupta MD, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology & Associate Director of Adult Acute Pain Service at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discusses the use of ultrasound for procedures to treat chronic pain.
US-Identification of the Dorsal Scapular & Long Thoracic Nerves
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Neil Hanson MD, an anesthesiologist at the Virginia Mason Medical Center, discusses ultrasound identification of the dorsal scapular and long thoracic nerves during interscalene nerve blocks.
i-TAP Blocks with Liposomal Bupivacaine
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Jacob Hutchins MD, Director of Perioperative & Interventional Pain Service in the Department of Anesthesia at the University of Minnesota, discusses the use of infiltration transversus abdominis plane (iTAP) blocks using Exparel, a long acting liposomal formulation of bup...
TAP Blocks & Catheters
VIP Lecture Series: Theresa Bowling MD, Vice Chairman of Anesthesiology at the Stamford Hospital & Medical Director of the Stamford School of Regional Anesthesia (, discusses the role of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks and continuous catheters for postoperative an...
US-Guided Sciatic Blocks
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Mitch Fingerman, Regional Anesthesia Division Chief and Fellowship Director at Washington University, discusses ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve blocks.
Selective Tibial & Quadriceps Sparing Continuous Femoral Blocks
VIP Lecture Series: Joel Barton MD, a regional anesthesia specialist at Sparrow Hospital, discusses how and when to use selective tibial and continuous quadriceps sparing femoral ("adductor canal") catheters for major knee surgery.
The Contiplex C Catheter Over Needle System
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. William Urmey MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology at the Hospital for Special Surgery, discusses the benefits and current limitations of traditional catheter-through-needle continuous peripheral nerve blocks while reviewing the potential advantages of a new...
Establishing an RA Program in Private Practice
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. David Nelson from Capital Anesthesiology Assocation in Austin, TX, presents the 12 steps to establishing a regional anesthesia program in private practice.