TAP Blocks & Catheters
VIP Lecture Series
VIP Lecture Series: Theresa Bowling MD, Vice Chairman of Anesthesiology at the Stamford Hospital & Medical Director of the Stamford School of Regional Anesthesia (http://www.ssrausa.com), discusses the role of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) blocks and continuous catheters for postoperative analgesia.
Up Next in VIP Lecture Series
US-Guided Sciatic Blocks
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Mitch Fingerman, Regional Anesthesia Division Chief and Fellowship Director at Washington University, discusses ultrasound-guided sciatic nerve blocks.
Selective Tibial & Quadriceps Sparing...
VIP Lecture Series: Joel Barton MD, a regional anesthesia specialist at Sparrow Hospital, discusses how and when to use selective tibial and continuous quadriceps sparing femoral ("adductor canal") catheters for major knee surgery.
The Contiplex C Catheter Over Needle ...
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. William Urmey MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology at the Hospital for Special Surgery, discusses the benefits and current limitations of traditional catheter-through-needle continuous peripheral nerve blocks while reviewing the potential advantages of a new...