*NEW* Serratus Anterior Plane Blocks
Pectoralis & Serratus Plane Blocks
Dr. Richard Teames, the director of regional anesthesia at John Peter Smith Hospital discusses the what, why, and how of serratus anterior plane (SAP) blocks for postoperative analgesia of the chest and axilla including rib fractures, thoracotomies, and VATs procedures.
In addition to his leadership role at John Peter Smith Hospital Dr. Teames is the National Clinical Director of Regional Anesthesia at Envision Physician Services and serves as an officer in the United States Army Reserve. Dr. Teames is a dedicated anesthesiologist with a unique background in nursing who excels in working with trauma and critical care patients. He trained at one the busiest trauma center in the U.S., the University of Texas, Houston.
Up Next in Pectoralis & Serratus Plane Blocks
Pecto-intercostal Fascial Plane Block
Dr. Christopher Prabhakar, MD, Regional Anesthesia Director at St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, Canada, discusses the Pecto-Intercostal Fascial Plane Block and its application for treating acute pain after cardiac surgery. The initial case report describing Pecto-Intercostal Fascial Plane Blocks...
LSORA Ultrasound guided PECS II (2) B...
This PECS II (2) video tutorial was created by Dr Mark Ibrahim & Dr Parthipan Jegendirabose (PJ) - both Regional Anaesthesia Fellows, & Dr Amit Pawa, Consultant Anaesthetist & Regional Anaesthesia Fellowship Director at Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital, London UK. It covers the relevant anatomy, sonoa...
Chest Wall Blocks- PECS I, PECS II, S...
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Vlad Frenk, an anesthesiologist at Stamford Hospital and instructor at the Stamford School of Regional Anesthesia (http://www.ssrausa.com), discusses the role of several innovative chest wall blocks: PECS I, PECS II, Serratus Plane, and Pectoral Intercostal blocks. These ...