Posterior Interscalene Catheter
Dr. Greg Hickman MD, Medical Director at the Andrews Institute ASC, performs a continuous interscalene catheter for major shoulder surgery while addressing the value of taking a posterior approach to the brachial plexus.
Up Next in Interscalene
Interscalene Styleted Catheter
BLOCKJOCKS BLOCK OF THE DAY #28: Dr. Scott Thomas, a regional anesthesia fellow at the Andrews Institute, performs a continuous interscalene catheter with ultrasound guidance (Sonosite S-Nerve) using a B-Braun Perifix styletted epidural catheter.
Obese Interscalene Catheter
Block of the Day #26: Dr. Hickman performs an US-guided IS cath for major shoulder surgery at the Andrews Institute for a 410 pound athlete who was formerly the "World's Strongest Man."
Tunneled Interscalene Catheter
Block of the Day #19: Dr. Hickman performs an US-guided IS cath for major shoulder surgery at the Andrews Institute.