*NEW* Airway Ultrasound
Free Didactic & Demo Videos
3m 55s
Forewarned is forearmed when it comes to high-risk airway management and your ultrasound skills can make all the difference. Identify where the surgical airway should go before you undertake a high-risk intubation or identify highly vascularized thyroid tissue before you perform a tracheostomy. This video walks you through the basics and was created by Dr. Robin Lundén, an anesthesiologist & critical care physician at Skåne University Hospital in Lund, Sweden, together with Dr. Karolina Persson and Dr. Louise Walter.
Dr. Lundén combines his clinical work with a passion for teaching, FOAMed and videography. He has devoted a lot of energy to flipped classroom teaching for med-students, interns and registrars, the result of which is a Khan Academy-inspired teaching portal in Swedish at internetanestesi.se He also publishes ultrasound instructional videos over at InterAnest.org and YouTube, and is now over the moon to now be featured on blockjocks.com. In his spare time he has planted a modest vineyard, hell-bent on producing an excellent sparkling wine with the traditional method in Swedish climate.
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