Interscalene Catheter Patient Pump Training
Free Block Nursing & Patient Education
8m 32s
Todd LeRoy, RN, a perioperative nurse at the Andrews Institute, delivers nerve block pump training to a patient and their family before shoulder surgery.
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2019 Block Nurse Course at the Andrew...
Register here for the 7th Annual Block Nurse Course:
The Block Nurse Course at the Andrews Institute is a day and a half workshop focusing on introducing and developing the specialty of Regional Anesthesia nursing. The course follows a curricul... -
Upper Extremity Pump Training
Noel Hayes, RN, a nurse at the Andrews Institute, delivers patient education explaining the basics of going home with a nerve block catheter after upper extremity surgery.
Lower Extremity Pump Training
Fran Haswell, RN, a nurse at the Andrews Institute, delivers patient education explaining the basics of going home with a nerve block pump after lower extremity surgery.