*NEW* Consent and Regional Anaesthesia
Karen Kumar, a prominent medical malpractice attorney and partner with Hicksons’ Lawyers Health Law Team in New South Wales, Australia, discusses consent and regional anesthesia from a legal perspective. What is required at law for a person to validly consent to a medical procedure is well known ...
*NEW* Regional Techniques Below the Clavicle
In this VIP Symposium video Dr. Clara Lobo, an anesthesiology consultant at Hospital das Forças Armadasin in Porto, Portugal, discusses brachial plexus blocks below the clavicle including various approaches to infraclavicular and axillary plexus block. Dr. Lobo presents the main advantages, disad...
*NEW* Outcome Benefits of Regional Anaesthesia
In this video Dr Alan Macfarlane, consultant anaesthetist from Glasgow, UK, describes the potential outcome benefits of regional anaesthesia beyond excellent pain control, and whether these outweigh the risks of regional anesthesia. Read his article on this topic in BJA Education 2018; 18 (2): 52...
*NEW* Airway Ultrasound
Forewarned is forearmed when it comes to high-risk airway management and your ultrasound skills can make all the difference. Identify where the surgical airway should go before you undertake a high-risk intubation or identify highly vascularized thyroid tissue before you perform a tracheostomy. T...
2019 Block Nurse Course at the Andrews Institute
Register here for the 7th Annual Block Nurse Course: http://www.andrewsref.org/2019-block-nurse-course/
The Block Nurse Course at the Andrews Institute is a day and a half workshop focusing on introducing and developing the specialty of Regional Anesthesia nursing. The course follows a curricul... -
*NEW* Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Block
In this video Dr. Brandon Winchester demonstrates a ultrasound-guided supraclavicular block for elbow surgery using a multi-injection technique featuring hydrodissection around the upper, middle, and lower trunks of the brachial plexus.
*NEW* Rectus Sheath & Quadratus Lumborum Blocks
Dr. Theresa Bowling, Director of Regional Anesthesia at Integrated Anesthesia Associates Fairfield Division, and President and Founder of SSRA, discusses the use of Rectus Sheath and Quadratus Lumborum (QL) blocks for the management of pain after abdominal surgery.
Dr. Bowling is a native New ...