Adductor Canal Blocks
VIP Lecture Series
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Arthur Atchabahian, Professor of Anesthesiology at NYU, discusses the anatomy, technique, pearls and tips for the placement of adductor canal blocks using an array of literature references, cadaveric dissections after dye injections, 3-dimensional CT reconstructions, and video clips of procedural positioning & ultrasound imaging.
Up Next in VIP Lecture Series
Ultrasound Guided Thoracic Paraverteb...
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Katharine Fleischmann MD, an anesthesiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, discusses the use of ultrasound for the placement of thoracic paravertebral blocks.
Ultrasound & Chronic Pain
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Rajnish Gupta MD, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology & Associate Director of Adult Acute Pain Service at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discusses the use of ultrasound for procedures to treat chronic pain.
US-Identification of the Dorsal Scapu...
VIP Lecture Series: Dr. Neil Hanson MD, an anesthesiologist at the Virginia Mason Medical Center, discusses ultrasound identification of the dorsal scapular and long thoracic nerves during interscalene nerve blocks.